
Me, myself and I…

My left hand.

I wasn’t certain what to write about today but I took a snap of my hand and it sparked! The Bloganuary question today was ‘What brings you joy’ and my hand is a part of that.

I have small hands (I am small so no big shock there) and I can use them both – not ambidexterous but crafty! I crochet and knit, write and cook, play musical instruments and play with my niece. I find joy in making things, in crafting and cooking, writing long hand and typing. When I was a teenager my left hand was trapped in a piano lid while I was playing, school wasn’t fun, and I had to have physio to help the healing. Being a hand down still worries me sometimes, I fear losing what I do for relaxation – even reading uses both hands!

For Christmas 2020 my parents bought me a UV lamp and the initial pieces needed to do gel nails – only on myself and mum, no beautician need worry. I pretty much always have my nails painted now, ‘chocolate delight’ by Mylee at the moment as shown above.

When I was at my heaviest I felt disconnected from my body in a way, out of step with how I wanted to see myself. I could however have pretty hands, even if I did not like what I saw in the mirror and ran away from photographers, only rarely caught in the lens.

This is a disjointed splurge of words but I invite you to think on two things; your hands and how you can spark joy (without wanting to throw out all your belongings – no offense meant).

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